Florida 4-Hour Traffic Ticket Course (BDI)
You will select this course to keep points off your drivers license and prevent insurance rate increases. |
Approved by Florida Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) |
4-Hour Florida First Time Driver Course(TLSAE)
This course is required to obtain your driver’s license in Florida, also known as the Drug & Alcohol Course. |
Approved by Florida Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) |
8-Hour Basic Driver Improvement Course
You will select this course if you have received two (2) traffic citations within one (1) year or if you have been ordered to take an 8-Hour driver improvement course. |
Approved by Florida Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) |
12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI)
You will select this course if your license has been suspended in Florida or you have received a speeding ticket in Virginia |
Approved by Florida Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and Virginia Courts |
8-Hour Aggressive Driver Improvement Course
You will select this course if you have been ordered by a judge to take an 8-Hour Aggressive Driver Improvement Course. |
Approved by Florida Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) |